Culture is very much alive at Tygerberg High School. There is no school in the Northern Suburbs that offers as many cultural activities on the same level as the Tigers. Here anyone can live out their dreams at a very high level in culture!
Contact Person:
Head of Culture: Mr B. van der Westhuizen

Music is close to the heart of Tygerberg High School. Three full-time and two part-time staff members provide learners with the opportunity to learn to master a wide range of instruments. Tygerberg' High School boasts with teachers who have excellent knowledge and experience, as well as being well-known in the performance world.
Music is offered as one of the three matric electives or as an additional subject.
It can also proudly be said that an exceptionally high number of learners continue their music studies at tertiary level.
Instruments presented at Tygerberg High School:
- Guitar
- Clarinet
- Piano
- Voice
- Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- Tuba
Contact Person:
Head of Music: Mr B. van der Westhuizen

Tygerberg High School has two choirs: the Tygerberg Girls 'Choir and the Tygerberg Boys' Choir, better known as the Tygerberg Mafia.
Both choirs were formed in 2015 and continue to go from strength to strength!
The girls 'choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00, and the boys' choir rehearses on Tuesdays from 13:45 to 15:00 and on Thursdays from 17:00 to 19:00.
Contact Person:
Head of Music: Mr B. van der Westhuizen

Drama Society
Tygerberg High School is one of the leading schools in the national theatre field. Over the past few years, we have annually reached the final of the ATKV Teen Drama Competition (top 15 in the country) and several times walked away with the best production, director, actor, technician and ensemble awards.
It is ensured that the skills of each learner in the cast, whether an actor or a member of the technical team, are developed to the highest level.
Our theatre groups also tour various theatre festivals in the country every year.
Contact Person:
Drama Society Coordinator: Ms A. Dreyer

Public Speaking & Debating
Debate and Public Speaking are part of Tygerberg High School's passion. The school has diligent junior and senior teams in both Afrikaans and English. They take part in all the major provincial and national competitions and certainly have the gift of the gab.
Contact persons:
English: Ms L. Meiring
Moot Court: Ms. M. Roelofse
Visual Art
Tygerberg High School has a long association with the Tygerberg Art Centre in Parow, which forms an integral part of our art curriculum.
Learners can offer Art as a subject in Visual Arts or Design.
Contact persons:
Subject head: Creative Arts Gr. 8 and 9: Mr A. Eloff
Tygerberg Art Center (Gr. 10 – 12)

Land Services
Look for the largest Land Service Club in the Western Cape and it will be found here at Tygerberg High School!
Community service is in the Tigers' blood. Tygerberg is a caring school. The Land Service learners are found time and time again on outreach to House Martina Retirement Home. Here the residents are regularly spoiled with small gifts, concerts and the annual wheelchair walk. Land Service has also adopted a dog shelter where the Land Service learners regularly volunteer their time and effort.
The Land Service also boasts their own vegetable garden at the “Welpiekamp”. Here, the Nature Tigers (NatuurTiere) dig, plant and water to ensure that the needy families in the community, as well as our guards, can be served with fresh vegetables. This garden then forms an integral part of the school's food project.
The Land Service learners drive the school’s recycling project and can often be found hard at work behind the woodworking quad were Tygerberg’s own recycling corner can be found.
Land Service highlights are also, of course, the camps where you connect with nature and build lifelong friendships.
Contact persons:
Head of Land Service: Me. N. Sakoor
Recycling Coordinator: Ms T. Fourie
Nature Tigers / “NatuurTiere” Coordinator: Ms J. Kritzinger
Tygerberg High School participates in the music, drama and visual arts sections of 4 eisteddfods. The Tigers are regular cup and category winners.
Learners are intensively coached by the respective culture coaches and always take their place on stage with confidence.
First Aid
The first aid association is one of Tygerberg High School's service associations. Their purpose is to assist their fellow Tigers in need. They are also on the side-lines at every game where they skilfully and rapidly respond to injuries.
One important aspect of the first aid association is that each member must receive the necessary first aid training, along with the official certification.
Contact Person:
First Aid Coordinator: Ms A. Mans

Ensembles - Orkes & Marimba
The marimba ensembles at Tygerberg High School are popular at all the school's social functions. There is a junior and senior ensemble and both groups also take part in the eisteddfods. These ensembles are regularly awarded as the top African Music Ensembles and receive specialist instruction.
Tygerberg High School has a newly formed orchestra. This mix of instruments plays a wide variety of music genres.
Contact Person:
Head of Music: Mr B. van der Westhuizen
Tygerberg High School's electronic publication is known as the RAWR. This Instagram profile is managed by the learners and aims to attract as many learners as possible who are interested in journalism, photography and videography.
Instagram: @rawr_the
Contact Person:
RAWR Coordinator: Ms I. Samuels

Revue / Musical
Every two years, the Tigers get the opportunity to take part in a mass revue. Learners, from the biggest sports hero, academic giant to the culture learner, all take a turn on stage. The teachers do not stand back either!
Rehearsals for these productions take place during the first term and April holidays and the curtains are lifted in May.

Science Club
The science club was established during 2021. Here the Tigers investigate and experiment twice a week. They tackle short- and long-term projects. Speakers at the forefront of their specialty fields also visit the club and open new worlds for the learners.
Meetings take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school.
Contact Person:
Science Club: Ms M. Snyman